Little-ish PuzzleMatthew StockMar 22, 2021Featuring some 12s and some mirror symmetry for you today — hope you enjoy it! And if you're looking for another fun solve, try Becca Gorman's and my Universal Sunday from yesterday, called "Black Mirror" (pdf/puz). Let us know what you think!Happy solving,Matthewpuz
Featuring some 12s and some mirror symmetry for you today — hope you enjoy it! And if you're looking for another fun solve, try Becca Gorman's and my Universal Sunday from yesterday, called "Black Mirror" (pdf/puz). Let us know what you think!Happy solving,Matthewpuz
Little-ish Puzzle (with Brooke Husic)"F*ck ___" (Brooke Husic, Essie nail polish enthusiast): three letters.