Monday, Monday!
Happy Little Puzzles BFF Brooke Husic is back, and things got ... interesting with this 11x. Cluing conventions went out the window, references got crossreffed, fill in the blanks got ___’ed ... and we had an absolute blast (our favorite clues are most of them, which is always a great feeling). Hopefully all that translates into a fun (if occasionally brain-breaking/groan-inducing) solve for you!
Elsewhere in puzzles, I shared a very special collab with my uncle, Michael Stock, at the Atlantic yesterday that you can check out here! Looking ahead, Brooke and I team up to bring you tomorrow’s USA Today crossword (get hype), kicking off ... dare we say ... another banger-filled Brooke Week™? There are only two puzzles left in this season’s Boswords Themeless League, one of which will be from Brooke, and she tells me she has another themeless dropping at one of her fave venues in the very near future! I for one cannot wait. Happy solving!
Follow Brooke's crosswords @xandraladee and on her blog.