Ella's two recent puzzles in the American Values Club Crossword are both incredible — the second, especially, was some of the most fun I've had solving a puzzle all year..
Unsurprisingly, I'm absolutely stoked to feature her work here on this site and to collab with Ella down the road. Check out other awesome puzzles of hers on her website (and also wherever else you find them ever — you won't want to miss them!!)
From Ella: "After discovering through twitter that we both dig each other’s work (thanks twitter!), Matthew and I have spent the week geeking out about all things puzzle-related. I’m super excited to have made a puzzle for his site because I think every puzzle on here is SO FUN and SO HAPPY! Being able to play with a theme type I haven’t tried before and put lots of (perhaps too many?) themers in the grid made me happy. I hope you all enjoy 😊
PS I have a puzzle site elladershowitz.com/puzzles that (so far) is all full-size themed puzzles with a theatrical bent. Come check it out!
PS thanks to Matthew for saving me from I-don’t-know-how-to-phrase-this-itis with his awesome clue for 40-Down!"
Follow Ella on Twitter @EllaDershowitz.