Laying out grids with novel symmetry has been a really fun thought exercise for me recently — I feel like I've learned so much just from messing around in CrossFire until I find a grid that both looks cool and fills cleanly.
This toughie below is my first venture into the realm of themeless puzzles with mirror symmetry. My favorite entries are 1-Across, 7-Down and 29-Down, though I hope you'll find lots more enjoyable fill (and some fun clues) throughout.
Plus, I made today's Universal crossword! I came up with the idea for the theme all the way back in August, when I was really just beginning to figure this whole puzzle thing out. Luckily, it eventually made its way into David's inbox, and he helped polish the whole puzzle into something I'm really proud of and excited to share. You can find download links here or play online here.
Happy solving,